The Academy Of Art University Is A Popular School – It’s Pretty Good, Too

In partnership with Academy of Art University

Academy of Art University, a private four-year institution, is one of the hottest, most prestigious art schools in the world. Boasting the highest enrollment of any design college in the United States – which is saying something, considering that the States is the home of the best colleges and universities on the planet – the Academy of Art University has some of the most skilled students around.

Once known as Academy of Art College, the San Francisco Bay Area’s finest art institution employs quite the list of top-notch teachers, artists, and researchers.

Earlier this year, Avengers: Infinity War earned roughly $641 million during its weekend debut at box offices around the United States. No other cinematic production has earned more in its opening weekend, leaving Avengers: Infinity War in a class of its own. The movie also earned a rare rating of 8.9 on IMBD.

The Bay Area’s most popular institution of art-related higher education is fortunate enough to have a major contributor to the movie’s animation in its graduation registries of years’ past.

Jan Philip Cramer is his name, contributing towards dominating showings of animation is his game

Jan Philip Cramer, a permanent resident of the animation management team at Digital Domain, was credited as the supervisor of animation for Avengers: Infinity War.

Mr. Cramer earned a degree from the school – originally known as the Academy of Advertising Art when it was founded in 1929 by professional animator Richard S. Stephens – in 2004. The bachelor’s of fine art that prepared him for his current position at Digital Domain came from the School of Animation and Visual Effects, one of several specialized departments in the system.

Jan Philip Cramer has also been responsible for contributions to some of Hollywood’s hottest movies, like Deadpool, Avatar, and Spider-Man: Homecoming. Mr. Cramer has been remembered by the Academy of Art University and recognized several times for his contributions to the overarching field of animation.

He was given the Emerging Artist Alumni Award from the San Francisco Bay Area-based school in 2011. Just last year, Cramer was named to the limited membership of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Mr. Cramer didn’t simply get lucky – his time at the Academy of Art contributed significantly to his budding career of today

Most of the faculty members at the San Francisco Bay Area’s very own Academy of Art currently work for animation studios or other big-name media companies. As such, they’re collectively equipped with tons of knowledge and millions of hours of experience in the world of art; the Academy’s School of Animation and Visual Effects is even more well-equipped than its on-campus counterparts.

To these faculty members and the school at large, Jan Philip Cramer is very grateful. According to Cramer, “it gave me a well-rounded perspective on art, not just visual effects.”

He’s still a young person and still has many working years left to create even more masterpieces like Avengers: Infinity War. Cramer also works with graduates of the Academy of Art and even regularly helps out a select few current students on projects they’re struggling with.

The Academy of Art has graduated tens of other artists involved in some of the nation’s hottest films

In 2017 alone, nearly 60 Academy of Art alumni contributed to films that reeled in nominations for Golden Globe awards. The Oscars collectively recognized 20 films that had been nominated for various awards to which the school’s alumni had contributed to.

Learn more about The Academy of Art HERE.
