I’ve been working a lot different lately. I find myself only doing work when it inspires me.
I put some things off until I “feel” like doing it.
Might sound stupid but I usually meet every deadline I or my team has to meet.
I thought this change in the way I worked might have been a bad thing until I read this article by Stephanie Vozza: “6 REASONS TO EMBRACE PROCRASTINATION”
Here’s an excerpt from it with the link to the article below!
“Today’s business climate rewards speed. We strive to be the first, the quickest, and the one who gets the most done. Procrastination–the process of putting things off–seemingly gets in the way. Search Amazon and you’ll find more than 1,300 titles that want to help you cure, defeat, and eliminate this horrible, horrible habit. But is it really that bad?
Frank Partnoy, author of Wait, believes we’d all be better off if we embraced procrastination.
In Greek and Roman times procrastination was revered; the wisest leaders would sit around and think, not doing anything unless it was absolutely necessary, he says in his book.
This changed during the Puritan era, when procrastination was considered a “sin of folly.”
While the shame around it has remained, Partnoy says procrastination is really the art of managing delay, and it can lead to greater success and happiness.”
Source: STEPHANIE VOZZA/Fast Company